
Comparing Strings

  1. Equality Comparison (==):

    str1 = "hello"
    str2 = "hello"
    if str1 == str2:
        print("Strings are equal")
  2. Inequality Comparison (!=):

    str1 = "hello"
    str2 = "world"
    if str1 != str2:
        print("Strings are not equal")
  3. Case Sensitivity:

    str1 = "Hello"
    str2 = "hello"
    if str1.lower() == str2.lower():
        print("Case-insensitive comparison: Strings are equal")
  4. Comparison Operators (<, >, <=, >=):

    str1 = "apple"
    str2 = "banana"
    if str1 < str2:
        print("str1 comes before str2 lexicographically")
  5. Length Comparison:

    str1 = "apple"
    str2 = "banana"
    if len(str1) < len(str2):
        print("str1 is shorter than str2")

String Methods: startswith(), endswith(), and find()

  1. startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]):

    • This method checks if a string starts with the specified prefix.
    • Parameters:
      • prefix: Required. The prefix to check against the start of the string.
      • start (optional): Specify where to start the search in the string.
      • end (optional): Specify where to end the search in the string.
    • Returns True if the string starts with prefix, otherwise False.
    • Example:
      text = "Hello, world!"
      if text.startswith("Hello"):
          print("The string starts with 'Hello'")
  2. endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]):

    • This method checks if a string ends with the specified suffix.
    • Parameters:
      • suffix: Required. The suffix to check against the end of the string.
      • start (optional): Specify where to start the search in the string.
      • end (optional): Specify where to end the search in the string.
    • Returns True if the string ends with suffix, otherwise False.
    • Example:
      filename = ""
      if filename.endswith(".py"):
          print("The file is a Python script")
  3. find(sub[, start[, end]]):

    • This method searches for the substring sub within the string.
    • Parameters:
      • sub: Required. The substring to search for.
      • start (optional): Specify where to start the search in the string.
      • end (optional): Specify where to end the search in the string.
    • Returns the lowest index in the string where sub is found, or -1 if sub is not found.
    • Example:
      sentence = "Python is powerful"
      index = sentence.find("is")
      if index != -1:
          print(f"'is' found at index {index}")