
Orchestration (Kubernetes)

Introduction to Kubernetes

a. Overview:

b. Key Components:

Kubernetes Architecture

a. Control Plane:

b. Nodes:

Main Kubernetes Concepts

a. Pods:

b. Services:

c. Deployments:

d. ReplicaSets:

e. StatefulSets:

f. ConfigMaps and Secrets:

g. Namespaces:

Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

a. Rolling Updates:

b. Blue-Green Deployments:

c. Canary Releases:

Kubernetes Networking

a. Networking Model:

b. Network Policies:

c. Ingress Controllers:

Storage in Kubernetes

a. Volumes:

b. Persistent Volumes (PVs) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs):

c. Storage Classes:

Monitoring and Logging

a. Monitoring:

b. Logging:

Kubernetes Security

a. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

b. Network Security:

c. Pod Security Policies:

Kubernetes Ecosystem

a. Helm:

b. Istio:

c. Kustomize:

d. Kubeflow: