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Data Structures

  1. Linked list
  2. Stack
  3. Hashmap

LeetCode Problems

Some people focus on memorizing various algorithms, which can be beneficial at times but may also can be harmful to their problem-solving skills. Others rely only on problem-solving and might spend 10 hours on a single problem without finding a solution.

The most effective approach to solving coding problems combines both problem-solving skills and algorithm memorization. Instead of memorizing the exact code, you should be prepared to write any algorithm as needed. In other words, problem-solving is about recognizing patterns and knowing which algorithm to apply and implement.

Arrays and Hashing

  1. Contains Duplicate
  2. Contains Duplicate II
  3. Two Sum
  4. Two Sum II
  5. Maximum Subarray ⏳
  6. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ⏳
  7. Product of Array Except Self ⏳
  8. Group Anagrams
  9. Maximum Product Subarray ⏳
  10. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array ⏳
  11. Search in Rotated Sorted Array ⏳
  12. Container With Most Water ⏳

Two Pointers

  1. Valid Palindrome
  2. Container With Most Water
  3. Longest Palindromic Substring


  1. Valid Parentheses
  2. Daily Temperatures

Sliding Window

  1. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Linked Lists

  1. Reverse Linked List
  2. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  3. Reorder List
  1. Binary Search


  1. Invert Binary Tree
  2. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree


  1. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)